
Flybar at nightFlybar at nightFlybar at night

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The Flybar is the pogo stick of the 21st century.

Feels like jumping on a trampoline!

Weighing in at a hefty 21 lbs, this "mobile exercise and stunt bar"
  is powered only by a rider's leg strength and body weight.
12 adjustable elastomer thrusters are capable of 100 lbs of thrust each, which makes the Flybar able to produce 1200 pounds of thrust.


Imagine having the capability to jump up to 6 feet in the air!

With the Flybar, be limited only by your own strength, your own fear, and that 1200 pound thrust limit.

Enjoy the thrill and excitement (not to mention EXERCISE benefits) the Flybar provides; buy one today.

(includes shipping)


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